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St Valentine's Day

Valentines Day is traditionally the day for lovers to proclaim their love and for people in general to take the opportunity to say ‘I love you’ in special and sometimes even funny ways.  It can be a day filled with romance, love and laughter but sometimes this day can be tinged with sadness especially if you have lost your life long partner, dearest friend or relative and it may bring up many memories for you.  Let’s not forget the special people that have shared our lives who are now watching over us with love from the world of spirit.

St Valentine'sYou may like to commemorate St Valentine's Day with your loved ones in spirit by, placing a special flower next to their photograph and maybe even a poem that you have specially written for them. Love is a bond that reaches out across the great divide and can never be broken.

It’s also important to remember that you can send out your thoughts of love and best wishes to your loved ones in spirit at any time, not just on St Valentines day, and that these thoughts are ‘heard’ by our loved ones. During the course of many Divine Services which I carry out at various Spiritualist Churches throughout the year, I am privileged to be able to relay messages of love from the world of spirit to congregations; often these messages refer to specific events, birthdays and anniversaries which mean so much to the recipients, and this confirms to me that we are never more than a thought away, and in my opinion our spirit loved ones think of us, just as much as we think of them.

I’d like to share with you all a little angel inspiration all about Love.



Living in the present, in the now
Omnipresent, always with you, wherever you may be
Vow to love you for all eternity
Eternal, like the flame of life itself, lighting pathways, and helping in your growth.

LOVE is the breath of life itself.


Wishing you all a wonderful Valentines Day, full of love

February is a busy month in my family as many birthdays occur in this month not least of all my own on the 13th (unlucky for some!!) and my cousin on the 14th (truly a love child!!) and my dear old Nan who will be 95 years young on the 15th and still going strong.

Have you ever wondered why we celebrate St Valentines Day or who St Valentine actually was, and do you ever send a card to your special someone?  Check out the article below ‘Autobiography of St. Valentine’ which I found on and you may also like to check out the website for more information about St.Valentine and for some romantic poetry to send to your loved one, it’s certainly worth a look.


Autobiography of St. Valentine

There are various accounts as to whom St Valentine was. It is said that there were two St Valentine's whom died at around the same time and are buried virtually in the same place at the Flaminian Way, both of these saints has been said to be the saint associated with the Patron Saint of Lovers "Saint Valentine".
The first of the Saints was considered to be a Roman Priest or Bishop of the Christian faith, who was also a physician and practiced his trade from his house. He was said to cure the sick of ailments, giving them special medicines or ointments. He was said to have done this out of the goodness of his heart sometimes refusing any payment whatsoever or accepting a loaf of bread or whatever could be spared by the sick. One Day the jailer bought his daughter to see Valentine, so as to see if she could have her sight gained and Valentine was said to have rubbed an ointment on her eyes and told the jailer to bring her back once a week to have the ointment rubbed on her eyes.
Every night he would pray under the dark of night for the sick to be cured. As a result of his beliefs he was arrested and thrown in jail. The jailer who could not do a thing went to see Valentine moments before he was to be executed at which point Valentine asked for a piece of paper and pen on the piece of paper it is said he was suppose to have written "from your Valentine" and inside the paper also was a blossom of which it is said gave the girl her sight.
The second of the Saints was said to have been a priest also, but, that he was secretly carrying out marriages of young lovers which under the Emperor Claudius II's laws at the time was forbidden, the reason being that Claudius did not want the men marrying because they must be able to concentrate on war and not their loved one.
Which ever story is true, today we celebrate St Valentine's Day by exchanging gifts such as cards, candy, flowers, etc. The reason why we celebrate it on February 14 is this was the day on which it is said that St Valentine was executed.

With thanks to St Valentine's Net. For the autobiography article